Home address: Mokslininku str. 6B, Vilnius, Lithuania

Phone/fax : +37064867407

E-mail :info@ados-pro.com

Website: www.ados-pro.com

General information about the company:

ADOS PRO is a hi-tech defense manufacturing company offering a broad spectrum of opto-electronical products and defense-related services.

Our team of engineers have more than 10 years of experience in research, development, prototyping, and production. The latest manufacturing techniques with premier materials enable us to offer customized solutions for institutions and organizations adapted to their unique applications and needs.

Our mission is to strengthen world security with premier industry-leading, innovative defense solutions for first-line military, law enforcement, and government responders, increasing their relative superiority against adversaries.

Product Portfolio

Electro-optical manufacture. Various spectrum solutions for defense and law enforcement end-users. LWIR, SWIR, NIR and Fusion solutions – handheld monoculars, weapon sight systems, long range observation systems and integration

OEM manufacturing:

– White labeling solutions of broad spectrum of electro-optics.

– UAS gimbal solutions

Weapons and equipment will be demonstrated:


Thermal sights, sniper clip-on systems, Thermal and Hybrid SWIR / LWIR binoculars


Collimator sights from pistols to heavy machine guns.